
Mar 24, 2014

It's that time of year again...

We took some time last week to plant a few seeds and a few flowers.  We'll get more rain and cooler temperatures this spring, but it won't dip below freezing, and there will be plenty of warm days.

I worked really hard on my garden last year.  I did a lot of planning ahead, a lot of record keeping, a lot of heavy duty yard work, and tried a lot of new things.  It was educational, but with the pregnancy I knew I wouldn't have the time nor energy to be so dedicated this year.  Still, I wasn't willing to give up on it completely.

So, we picked the things that were easiest to grow last year, and decided to focus on those.  We're planting tomatoes, green beans, and a few different herbs.  I'm starting mostly from seed, but I did buy a basil plant from Trader Joe's.  I love fresh basil and I couldn't resist.  The flowers are just for fun.  I really like my baskets hanging by the front door because I can see them from my living room, too.

The hard part is still ahead- pulling weeds and transplanting seedlings- but poor Chris is going to end up doing the bulk of that.  For now we're enjoying our porch with plants on the table and seed trays in the green house.  In a couple months it will be too hot to sit out there, so we're using it while we can and eat most of our meals there.  It's supposed to rain a lot this week, but I'm sure it will dry up soon enough. (Too soon, really.)

I think this is my favorite time of year.  I tend to think that briefly during every season- after all there are good things about all of them and I enjoy the change of pace- but I really mean it about spring.  I never tire of watching things grow.

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